JEWISH WEDDING CEREMONIES is a thing of beauty and tradition. Italy is the perfect country for Jewish wedding since Florence, Venice, Naples and Rome all have suggestive
synagogues with a rich historic past. It is also possible to tie the knot under a chuppah in a private venue of your choice, if the Rabbi is open to this option.
JEWISH WEDDINGS IN ITALY The religious Jewish community in Italy is 100% Orthodox and couples wishing to marry in the historic synagogues of the country must be Orthodox and fulfill the religious requirements for Orthodox weddings. The main synagogues of note are located in Venice, Florence and Rome. A donation is required and for Venice in particular this is quite high. One of the finest synagogues is located in Florence. . There are some additional synagogues throughout the country.
JEWISH WEDDINGS IN ITALY The religious Jewish community in Italy is 100% Orthodox and couples wishing to marry in the historic synagogues of the country must be Orthodox and fulfill the religious requirements for Orthodox weddings. The main synagogues of note are located in Venice, Florence and Rome. A donation is required and for Venice in particular this is quite high. One of the finest synagogues is located in Florence. . There are some additional synagogues throughout the country.
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"You will forever be my always"
– Unknown
– Unknown